So you want to Become a Model
......or at least look like One
A lot of people would like to model because it's glamorous, lucrative and want to be recognized in the modeling world. However, Modeling is extremely competitive and the industry is filled with rejection, that said, successful models are doing something that they love.
Would you like to model either professionally or for the fun of it? You will need a great portfolio and a great photographer that knows what it takes to make you look fantastic. That is where we come in, with over 40 years experience in the field of model and dance portfolios.
Before you see Fred's Photography, you will need a good night's sleep before your session. There have been a number of cancellations or the session was ended do to lack of interest either by lack of rest or other reasons. Make sure you have something to eat that morning or before you come for the shoot, you don't want to feel hungry or sick because you did not have a good meal. Bring protein snack or energy bars and water to the session.
If you are planning a shoot where there will be no make-up artist and hair stylist, you might want to make an appointment with a hairdresser and makeup artist or do your best styling and make up artistry. We have worked with a few salons in town and we will recommend someone if need be. We can do a lot in Photoshop, however, the best photograph is one that is not overdone by retouching.
Decide on what kind of model shoot or the type of portfolio you would like to have. Technically, with an experienced photographer, anybody can be a model or look like one. Bring outfits that you feel comfortable in wearing and will flatter your looks. We usually recommend 3-5 outfits depending on the amount of time you have and whether you would like an indoor or outdoor shoot or both.
Typically, your portfolio should have a head and shoulder shot, a 3/4 length and a full length shot as with other photographs that accentuates your beauty. Bring something casual, formal, beach or bathing suit or bikini and maybe something sporty. Your portfolio should have shots that not only show your looks and expressions but also your body size and figure. Creativity and thought into your selection of outfits is a good thing.
Bring accessories like the proper footwear, scarfs or hats and jewellery, whatever it takes to bring out your look and style to highlight your portfolio. Best of all, be sure to bring the right attitude to the shoot, it will shows. A good model will bring a good attitude a great model will be able to express that attitude on her face and body.
If all you are after is a great portfolio for yourself or you just want a great set of modeling pictures to show on Facebook or other websites, you are ready to go.
If you would like to take it further to model, that's where there are a few more things you need to know an do.
There is a lot you can learn from reading books and articles on modeling. Like any other job, you have to work at it. The modeling world is jam-packed with pretty faces. Just because you are good looking does not mean that you can succeed as a model. It might take some time to land that job, it takes lots of patience and perseverance. Modeling is very competitive to audition for positions. Sometimes you might be at the right place and time and land a contract. Versatility is key to success.
At Fred's Photography, we have years of experience photographing hundreds of models and dancers. Yes, it will cost you a little, but we can make you look fantastic with posing and lighting that will flatter your looks for your portfolio. Remember, you might only have one opportunity to make a good lasting expression by submitting a portfolio and casting card. You will need to present your portfolio for your audition/casting.
Along with your portfolio, a casting card consists of your measurements and stats. These will help modeling agencies place you. The basic measurements are height, weight, and shoe size. Know your clothing measurements such as dress size, hip, waist, chest etc. Know your own personal stats, such as hair color, eye color, skin tone etc.